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COM2067 Radio Production and Programming


I was pleased to see how my student evaluations have remained consistent and improved teaching this course, Radio Production and Programming. Guiding students through ongoing audience analysis to create messages (live and prerecorded) and shows over the airwaves is quite a process and can be a steep learning curve. What is most satisfying is witnessing improvements in communication specifically in students’ overall verbal expression. Moreover, this course is hands on and teaches professional job preparation. Each semester upon completion, I continue to refine this course through updated readings, assignments, guest speakers, and field trips. It is active, anxiety producing, and requires a lot of thinking on your feet. As such, I feel very good about the feedback provided by students from this course.


In looking over the evaluations received from Radio Production and Programming, Spring 2018, below is a summary of ten questions applicable to my teaching.

  • 100% of students reported being an “active participant in the class.” 50% often, 50% sometimes, 0% rarely, 0% never.

  • 83% of students favorably reported “gaining knowledge and skills in the course.” 50% strongly agree, 33% agree, 17% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 67% of students agreed the “assignments facilitated learning.” 17% strongly agree, 50% agree, 33% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 84% of students reported agreement they perceived the “grading criteria clear.” 17% strongly agree, 67% agree, 17% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 100% of students reported very favorably to “opportunities for participate.” 50% strongly agree, 50% agree, 0% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 100% of students reported very favorably to a “positive environment.” 50% strongly agree, 50% agree, 0% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 100% of students reported favorably to “helpful teaching techniques.” 50% strongly agree, 50% agree, 0% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 100% of students reported favorable to “effective communication.” 50% strongly agree, 50% agree, 0% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 100% of students reported favorably on “useful feedback.” 50% strongly agree, 50% agree, 0% neutral, 0% disagree.

  • 84% of students reported excellent or good "overall ratings of this course." 67% excellent, 17% good, 17% fair, 0% poor.


Student Comments:

  • “Matte is very lenient and easy to talk to and often adapts assignments when students make suggestions”

  • “My weekly radio show will help me get a job”

  • “I enjoyed it, thank you”

  • “I feel I learned a lot about radio and how to communicate more clearly.”

  • “Field trips!” (positive aspects of the course).

  • “Just being a DJ and having fun” (positive aspects of the course).

  • “I enjoyed it a good class Mr teacher man (positive aspects of course).

  • “the radio projects such as producing automation pieces. Also when we were on campus, maintaining the 2 hr weekly radio show was definitely the highlight. (positive aspect of course during Spring 2020).

  • I feel I learned a lot more about WLMC and how to communicate clearly.

  • “More course work with the textbook in class” (improvement).

  • “Maybe one more field trip” (improvement).

  • “shame, I screwed it up near the end but o well” (improvement).


Overall Takeaways:

Most noticeable in this feedback is how much students enjoyed this course and it's relevance to the professional world.  I also appreciate how students cried out for more field trips and seeing the professional industry of broadcasting. I look forward to bringing in more guest speakers and field trips to this course.  Also, one student asked for more attention to discussing the textbook in class.  I find this to be useful in going forward to prioritize discussions on the reading more often within class.

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